Friday, January 30, 2015

Delete skype chat history on

since outlook offer new feature of skype integration into email account, so that user can use skype chat through outlook website (, but then it was like a "trap" when user can not remove or disintegration skype from outlook, the fundamental thing is about privacy, where on there's no way to deleting chat history, so all of chat history will save permanently within the website. For some users this may not be a matter, but for others it is important issue, including me.

so far there has been no official info how to remove skype account and how to delete record of chat on, it make so many user confused, especially they that concern about privacy. But apparently on skype website there has a functions to unlink Microsoft account (outlook/hotmail/live). We will discuss later, before unlink just make sure that all of chat record are deleted from

Here I will share how to delete chat history on, at least so far this way worked for me.

As known on there is no menu where user can delete chat history, so when we open chat feature, all chat record are exist even since the first time when skype was integrated, this that make user frustrate.

Now, if you still have skype app installed on your system (if don't just install first), then sign in using your skype account. After login you can see on your profile all recent chat history same like you see on

If there is no history on skype app, just do the same way, on skype app go to menu Tools > Options, on Privacy Setting set no history and select Clear history, as you can see at the image below

NOTE this will delete all of chat record, so ensure to make a backup for specific chat that want to keep, like copy paste it to notepad or else. After deleting then click save, review your profile and now you won't see chat history again on skype app

as well as on, go login to your outlook account where your skype account is integrated, now there will show friend list only, that mean all of chat history on has been deleted

I hope everyone can validate this way as well as it can also worked for user who has the same issue.

UPDATE the way you could remove your skype from outlook click on this link